Fireworks Safety Tips


The State of Georgia permits the purchase and use of consumer fireworks, which include everything sold in Georgia retail stores - from bottle rockets to firecrackers and sparklers.

Fireworks can be used any day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 11:59 p.m., unless prohibited by local noise ordinances; which also includes: January 1; the last Saturday and Sunday in May; July 3; July 4; the first Monday in September; and December 31 of each year. Additionally, fireworks can be used from midnight to 1 a.m. only on January 1.

State law prohibits the shooting of fireworks for "Public Display" and "Proximity Shows" unless an application for such has been submitted to the local and state fire marshal office, and an application is on file with the local Probate Court.

State law prohibits the use/release of flame propulsion devices (lanterns, balloons, bags, etc.) into the air, and those used on public waterways, lakes, ponds, and streams.

State law bans the use of fireworks within the right-of-way on public streets, roads and highways, within 100 yards of a hospital, nursing home or gas station, within any park, historic area, or recreational area unless approved by special permit.


  Here are some tips for safely handling fireworks:
•Read cautionary labels, directions, and performance descriptions before igniting fireworks

•Assign a responsible adult to supervise all fireworks activities. Never give fireworks to children

•Do not light fireworks while consuming alcohol

•Wear safety glasses when igniting fireworks

•Light one firework at a time and then quickly move away

•Light fireworks outside on a flat, stable, fire-proof surface; away from buildings, vehicles and flammable materials

•Never relight a “dud” firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak duds in a bucket of water

•Keep a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby

•Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers

•Do not experiment with homemade fireworks

•Soak spent fireworks in water and dispose of them in a metal trash can

•Don’t wear bulky, loose fitting clothing that could easily catch fire

•Light fireworks using a long-tipped lighter or sawdust covered bamboo sticks called punks, which are designed to keep your hands several inches away from the fuse

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fireworks injuries